How to contact the center
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HCP Center
The Reference Center for Rare Diseases in Ophthalmology was recognized in 2006
as part of the Rare Diseases Plan 2006-2011, re-labeling in 2017. OPHTARA is
unique consortium part of ERN-EYE with 5 Paris University Hospital sites: Necker
(Coordinator site), Pitié Salpetrière, HEGP, Cochin and Hôtel Dieu (component sites).
as part of the Rare Diseases Plan 2006-2011, re-labeling in 2017. OPHTARA is
unique consortium part of ERN-EYE with 5 Paris University Hospital sites: Necker
(Coordinator site), Pitié Salpetrière, HEGP, Cochin and Hôtel Dieu (component sites).
OPHTARA – Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Service d'ophtalmologieBât. Lecourbe - RC149 rue de Sèvres
75 015 Paris
Dr Christophe ORSSAUD
Genetic Diagnostics (TWG6), Low Vision Daily Life and Patients Groups (TWG5), National Integration (TWG9), Neuro-Ophthalmology Rare Diseases (WG2), Registries & Epidemiology (TWG7), Research (TWG8)
Clinical trials
2020-004594-43 - Completed
A phase II, open-label, efficacy study of daily administration of sodium valproate in patients clinically affected by Wolfram syndrome due to monogenic mutation.
NCT04561466 - Completed
Study of the efficacy of Befizal® 200mg in the treatment of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy
NCT00422721 - Completed
Genetic Study of Patients Suffering From Congenital Amaurosis of Leber or From an Early Severe Retinal Dystrophy.