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HCP Center

The main mission of the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University is to educate doctors who understand their profession primarily as a mission. Such an approach obliges LFUK to become not only a learning base providing the opportunity to acquire quality knowledge at today's medical science level, but also an institution shaping the moral and personal profile of its graduates. In addition, the LFUK is the basis of scientific research, thus enabling its students to communicate the knowledge of their alma mater, thus contributing to the formation of the relationship between the student and the faculty. The mission of the Faculty of Medicine in the field of medical and preventive medicine is to represent the application of theoretical and practical knowledge in everyday medical practice, which should significantly exceed the usual national and in some areas also European average. LFUK is the leading institution of medical education. The role of the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University is the undergraduate education of students, within which they acquire general medical education. General and dental medicine is taught in Slovak and English. LFUK provides higher education not only in the area of undergraduate education, but also in postgraduate education in the form of study programs in the specialized study in the medical profession of doctor, training courses and doctoral studies. The training of new researchers takes the form of a doctoral study, which has two forms: full-time and part-time.
The Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Bratislava is therefore an institution of lifelong medical education. In its modernization, LFUK will focus on finding its own way in the process of transformation with a high level of responsibility for the quality of education provided to young doctors. The key activities of LFUK will include improving the quality of scientific outputs and doctoral studies, increasing the number of foreign students, increasing the share of grant funds in the budget and improving its spatial background. The main priorities of the Faculty of Medicine and its defined activities are focused on the priority of the government - forming a knowledge society, especially in the area of investment in people.
The Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Bratislava is therefore an institution of lifelong medical education. In its modernization, LFUK will focus on finding its own way in the process of transformation with a high level of responsibility for the quality of education provided to young doctors. The key activities of LFUK will include improving the quality of scientific outputs and doctoral studies, increasing the number of foreign students, increasing the share of grant funds in the budget and improving its spatial background. The main priorities of the Faculty of Medicine and its defined activities are focused on the priority of the government - forming a knowledge society, especially in the area of investment in people.
Faculty of Medicine (University of Comenius) in Bratislava, Department of Pediatric Ophtalmology, Bratislava, Slovakia
Špitálska 24,
813 72 Bratislava

Dr Anton Gerinec
Anterior Segment Rare Eye Diseases (WG4), Genetic Diagnostics (TWG6), Pediatric Ophthalmology Rare Diseases (WG3), Retinal Rare Eye Diseases (WG1)

Dr Beáta Bušányová
National Integration (TWG9), Neuro-Ophthalmology Rare Diseases (WG2), Pediatric Ophthalmology Rare Diseases (WG3), Research (TWG8), Retinal Rare Eye Diseases (WG1)
Clinical trials

NCT04101721 - Completed
Randomized, Controlled, Multi-Center Study to Assess the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Intravitreal Aflibercept Compared to Laser Photocoagulation in Patients With Retinopathy of Prematurity