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Pr. Isabelle MEUNIER

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Pr Isabelle MEUNIER



Grupos de trabalho): Doenças oculares raras da retina (WG1)


Dr Catherine Blanchet


Doenças oculares raras da retina (WG1)
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Dr Agathe Robertie


Doenças oculares raras da retina (WG1)
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Dr Anne-Françoise Roux


Doenças oculares raras da retina (WG1)
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Centro de saúde

Rotulado em 2004, o MAOLYA é um centro de referência nacional para o diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças hereditárias multissensoriais com doenças isoladas ou...


Reference Center Rare Diseases ‘Genetic Sensory Diseases’, MAOLYA, Montpellier, France

Hôpital Gui de ChauliacService Ophtalmologie80, avenue Augustin Fliche 1er étage, bureau 1414
34 295 Montpellier Cedex 5

Ensaios clínicos

NCT02994368). Terminado

A Multicenter Prospective Observational « Natural History » Study in Patients With Choroideremia.

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NCT01235624). Efetuado

Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa: Prevalence of Known Genes Identification of New Loci/Genes.

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NCT01461213). Efetuado

Gene therapy study on choroideremia : to assess the safety and tolerability of the AAV.REP1 vector, administered at two different doses to the retina in patients with a diagnosis of choroideremia.

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NCT03328130). Recrutamento, Ativo

Safety and Efficacy of a Unilateral Subretinal Administration of HORA-PDE6B in Patients With Retinitis Pigmentosa Harbouring Mutations in the PDE6B Gene Leading to a Defect in PDE6ß Expression

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2017-001215-37 Efetuado

A pivotal, international, randomised, double-blind, efficacy and safety trial of sodium valporate in paediatric and adult patients with Wolfram Syndrome

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NCT03780257). Efetuado

Study to Evaluate Safety and Tolerability of QR-421a in Subjects With RetinitisPigmentosa Due to Mutations in Exon 13 of the USH2A Gene (Stellar)

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NCT03584165). Recrutamento, Ativo

A Long-term Follow-up Study to Evaluate the Safety and efficacy of Retinal Gene Therapy in Subjects with choroideremia treated previously with Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Encoding Rab Escort Protein-1 (AAV2-REP1) in an Antecedent Study.

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NCT00422721). Efetuado

Genetic Study of Patients Suffering From Congenital Amaurosis of Leber or From an Early Severe Retinal Dystrophy.

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NCT03992417). Ativo, não recrutando

A Prospective Observational Study of Patients Receiving Dupixent® for Atopic Dermatitis

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Publicações científicas

Mutation spectrum and clinical investigation of achromatopsia patients with mutations in the GNAT2 gene

Acromatopsia (ACHM) é um distúrbio hereditário de fotorreceptores de cone caracterizado pela incapacidade de discriminar cores, nistagmo, fotofobia,...

Where are the missing gene defects in inherited retinal disorders? Intronic and synonymous variants contribute at least to 4% of CACNA1F‐mediated inherited retinal disorders

Um estudo abrangente aplicando sequenciamento Sanger direto das regiões codificadoras de genes, exoma e sequenciamento do genoma aplicado a uma grande coorte de...

The landscape of submicroscopic structural variants at the OPN1LW/OPN1MW gene cluster on Xq28 underlying blue cone monochromacy

Usando suposições parcimoniosas, reconstruímos a composição e o número de cópias do cluster de genes OPN1LW/OPN1MW antes do evento de mutação...

Cost-effective sequence analysis of 113 genes in 1,192 probands with retinitis pigmentosa and Leber congenital amaurosis

Aqui, apresentamos o resultado de 1,192 probandos que foram submetidos ao sequenciamento baseado em smMIPs usando os smMIPs RP-LCA...

PDF - 1 MB

Mutational Spectrum, Ocular and Olfactory Phenotypes of CNGB1-Related RP-Olfactory Dysfunction Syndrome in a Multiethnic Cohort

Nosso estudo apoia relatos anteriores de uma síndrome de disfunção olfativa RP autossômica recessiva em associação com certas doenças causadoras...