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Pr Daniel Böhringer

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Pr Daniel Böhringer



Líder do Grupo de Trabalho: Doenças oculares raras do segmento anterior (WG4)
Outros grupos de trabalho: Doenças oculares raras do segmento anterior (WG4)


Pr Thomas Reinhard


Doenças oculares raras do segmento anterior (WG4)
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Centro de saúde

O Centro Oftalmológico do Hospital Universitário de Freiburg é um dos maiores departamentos de oftalmologia da Alemanha. Pacientes ambulatoriais e internados com todos...


Eye Center, University Hospital Freiburg, Germany

Killianstraße 5
79106 Freiburg im Breisgau

Ensaios clínicos

NCT05698316). Recrutamento, Ativo

A Collaborative Resource of Heidelberg Multimodal Imaging of Intermediate and Early Atrophic AMD Cases to Study Prediction of Disease Progression: (INTERCEPT-AMD)

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NCT05987423). Recrutamento, Ativo

A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study To Evaluate The Efficacy, Safety, Pharmacokinetics, And Pharmacodynamics Of Satralizumab In Participants With Moderate-To-Severe Thyroid Eye Disease

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NCT03319849). Efetuado

A Phase III Multicenter Randomized, Sham Controlled, Study to Determine the Safety and Efficacy of NT-501 in Macular Telangiectasia Type 2

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NCT04270747). Efetuado

A Randomized, Double-masked, Phase 3 Study of ABP 938 Efficacy and Safety Compared to Aflibercept (Eylea®) in Subjects With Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration

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DRKS00023562 Recrutamento, Ativo

Evaluation of the effectiveness of transcorneal electrostimulation in patients with retinitis pigmentosa - a multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled and double-blind study on behalf of the G-BA

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NCT01756456). Efetuado

Evaluation of safety and efficacy of r-hNGF in patients with stage 2 and 3 Neurotrophic Keratitis (REPARO).

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Publicações científicas

Keratoconus in Children: A Literature Review

Esta revisão discute os principais aspectos do ceratocone pediátrico (KC) com base nas evidências atuais para propor uma diretriz para ajudar precocemente...