Pieejamība un lasīšanas komforts

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Līniju vertikālā atstarpe

Vai radušās problēmas, izmantojot mūsu vietni?
Sazināties ar mums

Prof. Dr. med. Kārlis Ulrihs Bārcs-Šmits

In šo lapu

Biedru informācija

Prof. Dr. med. Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt




Pr Katarina Stingl


Vāja redzes ikdienas dzīves un pacientu grupas (TWG5), reģistri un epidemioloģija (TWG7), pētniecība (TWG8), reti sastopamas tīklenes acu slimības (WG1)
Darba grupas vadītājs
Skatīt vairāk

Dr Susanne KOHL


Ģenētiskā diagnostika (TWG6), reģistri un epidemioloģija (TWG7), pētniecība (TWG8), tīklenes retās acu slimības (WG1)
Darba grupas vadītājs
Skatīt vairāk

Dr Thomas Wheeler-Schilling


Nacionālā integrācija (TWG9)
Skatīt vairāk

M.Sc. Melanie Kempf


Ikdienas dzīves un pacientu grupas ar vāju redzi (TWG5), reti sastopamas tīklenes acu slimības (WG1)
Skatīt vairāk

HCP centrs

Universitātes Acu slimnīca nodrošina veselības aprūpi visās oftalmoloģijas jomās augstākās kvalitātes līmenī ar vairāk nekā 60.000 XNUMX...


Centre for Ophthalmology, University Eye Hospital, Tübingen, Germany

Department für Augenheilkunde Tübingen Forschungsinstitut für Augenheilkunde Elfriede-Aulhorn-Str. 7
72076 Tübingen

Klīniskie izmēģinājumi

NCT02610582 Rekrutēšana, aktīva

Safety and efficacy of a single subretinal injection of rAAV.hCNGA3 in patients with CNGA3-linked achromatopsia investigated in an exploratory, dose-escalation trial.

Skatīt izmēģinājumu
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NCT03001310 Pabeigts

An Open Label, Multi-centre, Phase I/II Dose Escalation Trial of a Recombinant Adeno-associated Virus Vector (AAV2/8-hCARp.hCNGB3) for Gene Therapy of Adults and Children With Achromatopsia Owing to Defects in CNGB3

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NCT05537220 Aktīvs, nepieņem darbā

NAC Attack, A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Parallel, Double Masked, Placebo-Controlled Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Oral N-Acetylcysteine in Patients With Retinitis Pigmentosa

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NCT05158296 Aktīvs, nepieņem darbā

A Double-Masked, Randomized, Controlled, Multiple-Dose Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Ultevursen in Subjects With Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) Due to Mutations in Exon 13 of the USH2A Gene (Sirius)

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NCT04855045 nezināms

An Open-Label, Dose Escalation and Double-Masked, Randomized, Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of Sepofarsen in Pediatric Subjects G (p.Cys998X) Mutation.

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NCT05566795 Rekrutēšana, aktīva

A Phase 3, Randomized, International Multicenter Trial of DAY101 Monotherapy Versus Standard of Care Chemotherapy in Patients with Pediatric Low-Grade Glioma Harboring an Activating RAF Alteration Requiring First-Line Systemic Therapy

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NCT04967287 Aktīvs, nepieņem darbā

MyopiaX Treatment for the Reduction of Myopia Progression in Children and Adolescents: Safety and Efficacy Investigation

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NCT01835002 Pabeigts

This is a single-arm open label interventional safety trial with RP patients, who receive weekly TES for 6 months on 1 eye followed by observation for another 6 months without stimulation. The primary outcome measure is safety, indicated by the frequency and severity of adverse events.

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NCT03913143 Aktīvs, nepieņem darbā

A double-masked, randomized, controlled, multiple-dose study to evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability and systemic exposure of QR-110 in Subjects with Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) due to c.2991+1655A>G mutation (p.Cys998X) in the CEP290 gene (Illuminate).

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NCT03507686 Pabeigts

An Open-Label Safety Study of Retinal Gene Therapy for Choroideremia with Bilateral,Sequential Administration of Adeno-Associated Viral Vector (AAV2) Encoding Rab Escort Protein 1 (REP1).

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NCT03584165 Rekrutēšana, aktīva

A Long-term Follow-up Study to Evaluate the Safety and efficacy of Retinal Gene Therapy in Subjects with choroideremia treated previously with Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Encoding Rab Escort Protein-1 (AAV2-REP1) in an Antecedent Study.

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NCT02771379 Pabeigts

A Non-interventional Study of Clinical Experience in Patients Prescribed Raxone® for the Treatment of Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON).

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NCT02671539 Pabeigts

Tübingen Choroideremia gene therapy trial open label Phase 2 clinical trial using anadeno-associated viral vector (AAV2) encoding Rab-escort protein 1 (REP1)

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2013-005393-22 Pabeigts

A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of QLT091001 in Subjects with Inherited Retinal Disease (IRD) Caused by Mutation in Retinal Pigment Epithelium Protein 65 (RPE65) or Lecithin : Retinol Acyltransferase (LRAT).

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NCT02410122 Pabeigts

The Natural History of the Progression of Atrophy Secondary to Stargardt Disease Type 4: PROM1-Related Macular Dystrophy (ProgStar-4).

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NCT01521793 Pabeigts

Repeated Treatments of QLT091001 in Subjects With Leber Congenital Amaurosis orRetinitis Pigmentosa (Extension of Study RET IRD 01)

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