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HCP centras
Centro tikslai yra šie:
Suteikti pacientui ir jo šeimai nuoseklią ir visapusišką medicininę (ypač oftalmologinę ir genetinę), ortoptinę (reabilitaciją, silpnaregystę), psichologinę ir socialinę priežiūrą.
Užtikrinti ryšį su gydančiais gydytojais ir korespondentais, medicininiais ir psichosocialiniais silpnaregių gydymo tinklais bei pacientų asociacijomis.
Plėtoti ir dalyvauti tyrimų programose, skirtose oftalmologinei genetikai vietiniu, nacionaliniu ir tarptautiniu lygiu.
CARGO, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, France
Pr Hélène Dollfus
Dr Isabella Vacchi
Dr Amélie Gavard
Dr Monika Grudzinska Pechhacker
Caroline Wernert-Iberg
Klinikiniai tyrimai
Setmelanotide (RM-493), Melanocortin-4 Receptor (MC4R) Agonist, in Bardet-BiedlSyndrome (BBS) and Alström Syndrome (AS) Patients With Moderate to Severe Obesity.
Argus® II Retinal Prosthesis System: Post-Market Study
Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa: Prevalence of Known Genes Identification of New Loci/Genes.
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Study: Clinical and Genetic Epidemiology Study in Adults.
Clinical implication of Retinitis Pigmentosa molecular diagnostic using high throughput sequencing (RP-SEQ-HD).
Clinical Study of a single ciliopathy: Alström Syndrome.
Genetic Study of Patients Suffering From Congenital Amaurosis of Leber or From an Early Severe Retinal Dystrophy.
Historical Case Record Survey of Visual Acuity Data From Patients With Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON).
Trisomy 21 in Adulthood : a medical and social situation in Alsace.
A double-masked, randomized, controlled, multiple-dose study to evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability and systemic exposure of QR-110 in Subjects with Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) due to c.2991+1655A>G mutation (p.Cys998X) in the CEP290 gene (Illuminate).
Holistic Mixed Approaches to Capture the Real Life of Children With Rare Eye Diseases