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Dr Susanne KOHL

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Informations sur les membres

Dr Susanne KOHL

Représentant(e) suppléant(e)


Responsable du groupe de travail : Diagnostic génétique (TWG6)
Autre(s) groupe(s) de travail : Maladies oculaires rares rétiniennes (WG1), diagnostic génétique (TWG6), registres et épidémiologie (TWG7), recherche (TWG8)


Pr Katarina Stingl


Groupes de patients et de vie quotidienne basse vision (TWG5), Registres et épidémiologie (TWG7), Recherche (TWG8), Maladies oculaires rares rétiniennes (WG1)
Chef de groupe de travail
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Dr Thomas Wheeler-Schilling


Intégration nationale (TWG9)
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M.Sc. Melanie Kempf


Groupes de patients et de la vie quotidienne basse vision (TWG5), Maladies oculaires rares rétiniennes (WG1)
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Dr Milda Reith


Maladies oculaires rares de la rétine (WG1)
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Pr Krunoslav Stingl


Recherche (TWG8), Maladies oculaires rares rétiniennes (WG1)
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Pr Ronja Jung


Recherche (TWG8), Maladies oculaires rares rétiniennes (WG1)
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Centre de soins de santé

L'Hôpital Ophtalmologique Universitaire fournit des soins de santé dans tous les domaines de l'ophtalmologie au plus haut niveau de qualité avec plus de 60.000 XNUMX consultations...


Centre for Ophthalmology, University Eye Hospital, Tübingen, Germany

Department für Augenheilkunde Tübingen Forschungsinstitut für Augenheilkunde Elfriede-Aulhorn-Str. 7
72076 Tübingen

Essais cliniques

NCT05537220 Actif, ne recrute pas

NAC Attack, A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Parallel, Double Masked, Placebo-Controlled Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Oral N-Acetylcysteine in Patients With Retinitis Pigmentosa

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NCT05158296 Actif, ne recrute pas

A Double-Masked, Randomized, Controlled, Multiple-Dose Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Ultevursen in Subjects With Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) Due to Mutations in Exon 13 of the USH2A Gene (Sirius)

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NCT05176717 Terminé

A Double-Masked, Randomized, Controlled, Multiple-Dose Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of QR-421a in Subjects With Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) Due to Mutations in Exon 13 of the USH2A Gene With Early to Moderate Vision Loss

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NCT04855045 Inconnu

An Open-Label, Dose Escalation and Double-Masked, Randomized, Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of Sepofarsen in Pediatric Subjects G (p.Cys998X) Mutation.

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NCT03001310 Complété

An Open Label, Multi-centre, Phase I/II Dose Escalation Trial of a Recombinant Adeno-associated Virus Vector (AAV2/8-hCARp.hCNGB3) for Gene Therapy of Adults and Children With Achromatopsia Owing to Defects in CNGB3

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NCT05566795 Recruteur, Actif

A Phase 3, Randomized, International Multicenter Trial of DAY101 Monotherapy Versus Standard of Care Chemotherapy in Patients with Pediatric Low-Grade Glioma Harboring an Activating RAF Alteration Requiring First-Line Systemic Therapy

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NCT04967287 Actif, ne recrute pas

MyopiaX Treatment for the Reduction of Myopia Progression in Children and Adolescents: Safety and Efficacy Investigation

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EST_2-NCT01837901 Complété

Transcorneal Electrostimulation for Therapy of Retinitis Pigmentosa.

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NCT01835002 Complété

This is a single-arm open label interventional safety trial with RP patients, who receive weekly TES for 6 months on 1 eye followed by observation for another 6 months without stimulation. The primary outcome measure is safety, indicated by the frequency and severity of adverse events.

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NCT04127006 Actif, ne recrute pas

Rate of Progression in EYS Related Retinal Degeneration (Pro-EYS).

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NCT03507686 Complété

An Open-Label Safety Study of Retinal Gene Therapy for Choroideremia with Bilateral,Sequential Administration of Adeno-Associated Viral Vector (AAV2) Encoding Rab Escort Protein 1 (REP1).

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NCT03496012 Complété

A Randomised, Open Label, Outcomes-Assessor Masked, Prospective, Parallel Controlled Group, Phase 3 Clinical Trial Of Retinal Gene Therapy For Choroideremia Using An Adeno-Associated Viral Vector (AAV2) Encoding Rab Escort Protein 1 (REP1)

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NCT03584165 Recruteur, Actif

A Long-term Follow-up Study to Evaluate the Safety and efficacy of Retinal Gene Therapy in Subjects with choroideremia treated previously with Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Encoding Rab Escort Protein-1 (AAV2-REP1) in an Antecedent Study.

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2013-005393-22 Complété

A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of QLT091001 in Subjects with Inherited Retinal Disease (IRD) Caused by Mutation in Retinal Pigment Epithelium Protein 65 (RPE65) or Lecithin : Retinol Acyltransferase (LRAT).

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NCT02771379 Complété

A Non-interventional Study of Clinical Experience in Patients Prescribed Raxone® for the Treatment of Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON).

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NCT02671539 Complété

Tübingen Choroideremia gene therapy trial open label Phase 2 clinical trial using anadeno-associated viral vector (AAV2) encoding Rab-escort protein 1 (REP1)

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NCT02575430 Complété

Natural History Study in Inherited Retinal Disease Subjects Caused by Mutations in RPE65 or LRAT.

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NCT02410122 Complété

The Natural History of the Progression of Atrophy Secondary to Stargardt Disease Type 4: PROM1-Related Macular Dystrophy (ProgStar-4).

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NCT05811351 Recruteur, Actif

A Phase 2b, Randomized, Double-masked, Multicenter, Dose-ranging, Sham-controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate Intravitreal JNJ-81201887 (AAVCAGsCD59) Compared to Sham Procedure for the Treatment of Geographic Atrophy (GA) Secondary to Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

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NCT03364153 Actif, ne recrute pas

A Phase 2b Randomized, Double-masked, Controlled Trial to Establish the Safety and Efficacy of Zimura™ (Complement C5 Inhibitor) Compared to Sham in Subjects With Autosomal Recessive Stargardt Disease

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NCT04435366 Complété

A Phase 3 Multicenter, Randomized, Double Masked, Sham- Controlled Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Intravitreal Administration of Zimura (Complement C5 Inhibitor) in Patients With Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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DRKS00023562 Recruteur, Actif

Evaluation of the effectiveness of transcorneal electrostimulation in patients with retinitis pigmentosa - a multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled and double-blind study on behalf of the G-BA

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NCT00515814 Complété

Retina Implant Pilot Trial to Evaluate Safety & Efficacy in Blind Patients HavingDegenerated Photo-receptors

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NCT01024803 Complété

Safety and Efficacy of Subretinal Implants for Partial Restoration of Vision in Blind Patients.

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NCT01521793 Complété

Repeated Treatments of QLT091001 in Subjects With Leber Congenital Amaurosis orRetinitis Pigmentosa (Extension of Study RET IRD 01)

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NCT02759952 Recruteur, Actif

Clinical Characterization on PDE6A-related Retinitis Pigmentosa in Preparationto a Gene Therapy Trial

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NCT04765345 Actif, ne recrute pas

Rate of Progression of PCDH15-Related Retinal Degeneration in Usher

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NCT04983914 Complété

Retrospective Non-Interventional Study to Evaluate the Patient Benefit of Transcorneal Electrostimulation (TES)

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NCT04965038 Recruteur, Actif

Early Reperfusion Therapy With Intravenous Alteplase for Recovery of VISION in Acute Central Retinal Artery Occlusion

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NCT04924608 Ne recrute pas, Inactif

A Phase III, Multicentre, International Study With a Parallel, Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, 2 Arm Design to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Selumetinib in Adult Participants With NF1 Who Have Symptomatic, Inoperable Plexiform Neurofibromas (KOMET)

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Publications scientifiques

Mutation spectrum and clinical investigation of achromatopsia patients with mutations in the GNAT2 gene

L'achromatopsie (ACHM) est un trouble héréditaire des photorécepteurs des cônes caractérisé par l'incapacité à discriminer les couleurs, le nystagmus, la photophobie,...

Where are the missing gene defects in inherited retinal disorders? Intronic and synonymous variants contribute at least to 4% of CACNA1F‐mediated inherited retinal disorders

Une étude complète appliquant le séquençage direct de Sanger des régions codantes des gènes, le séquençage de l'exome et du génome appliqué à une large cohorte de...

The need for widely available genomic testing in rare eye diseases: an ERN‑EYE position statement

ERN-EYE promeut l'accès aux tests génétiques en RED et souligne la nécessité clinique et la pertinence des tests génétiques en...

Comprehensive variant spectrum of the CNGA3 gene in patients affected by achromatopsia

Nous fournissons des analyses in silico approfondies et résumons les données fonctionnelles rapportées des variantes faux-sens, non-sens et d'épissage précédemment analysées pour...

Evaluation of Local Rod and Cone Function in Stargardt Disease

L'analyse fonctionnelle de la région maculaire dans la maladie STGD1 indique une fonction réduite du cône central, correspondant au photorécepteur...

Novel OPN1LW/OPN1MW Exon 3 Haplotype-Associated Splicing Defect in Patients with X-Linked Cone Dysfunction

Les patients porteurs du nouvel haplotype LIVVA présentaient une forme légère de monochromie des cônes bleus ou un phénotype semblable à la maladie oculaire de Bornholm avec...

The landscape of submicroscopic structural variants at the OPN1LW/OPN1MW gene cluster on Xq28 underlying blue cone monochromacy

En utilisant des hypothèses parcimonieuses, nous avons reconstruit la composition et le nombre de copies du groupe de gènes OPN1LW/OPN1MW avant l'événement de mutation...

Genetic and Clinical Characterization of Danish Achromatopsia Patients

Bien qu'une corrélation claire entre génotype et phénotype ne puisse toujours pas être conclue, il peut y avoir des différences dans les caractéristiques phénotypiques avec des variantes...

KCNV2-associated retinopathy: genotype-phenotype correlations – KCNV2 study group report 3

Les patients présentant des altérations faux-sens présentaient une meilleure BCVA et une plus grande intégrité structurelle. Ceci est important pour le pronostic du patient et...

Homozygous stop mutation in AHR causes autosomal recessive foveal hypoplasia and infantile nystagmus

Nous présentons ici une famille consanguine de trois enfants atteints d'hypoplasie fovéale avec nystagmus infantile, suite à une maladie autosomique...