Liikmete teave

Pr Francesca Simonelli

Pr Francesco Testa

Dr Raffaella Brunetti Pierri

Dr Valentina Di Iorio
HCP keskus

AOU Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Napoli, Italy
Kliinilised uuringud

An Open-Label, Dose Escalation and Double-Masked, Randomized, Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of Sepofarsen in Pediatric Subjects G (p.Cys998X) Mutation.

Phase 3 Randomized, Controlled Study of AAV5-hRKp.RPGR for the Treatment of X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa Associated With Variants in the RPGR Gene

Phase 3 Follow-up Study of AAV5-hRKp.RPGR for the Treatment of X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa Associated With Variants in the RPGR Gene

Clinical and Molecular Studies in Families With Inherited Eye Disease

Natural history of patients with inherited retinal diseases due to mutations in RPE65 gene

Safety and Efficacy of Emixustat in Stargardt Disease.

Natural History Study in Subjects With Usher Syndrome.

A Phase 2b Randomized, Double-masked, Controlled Trial to Establish the Safety and Efficacy of Zimura™ (Complement C5 Inhibitor) Compared to Sham in Subjects With Autosomal Recessive Stargardt Disease

A Phase 3 Multicenter, Randomized, Double Masked, Sham- Controlled Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Intravitreal Administration of Zimura (Complement C5 Inhibitor) in Patients With Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration